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Get a Complete Picture of Your Financial Crimes Risk

Money launderers are always looking for new ways to exploit the system. We’re always innovating new ways to stop them. As we grow with our partners and customers, we continue to reimagine our solutions to stay one step ahead. FinScan, an Innovative Systems solution, helps organizations gain a full understanding of their financial crimes risk—all in one place—for safer and more efficient onboarding and compliance operations.

Performance & Scalability

At FinScan's core lies exceptional performance and scalability. Our solution screens vast volumes of records with reliability and unparalleled speed and seamlessly adapts to the evolving needs and growth of your business. In fact, FinScan processed more than 300 billion SaaS records with instances exceeding 400 million individuals—without a single reported application crash. This showcases our proven capabilities in managing substantial data loads.

Tasks ranging from overnight screening of extensive customer databases to efficient processing of billions of transactions are easy with FinScan. Purpose-built to seamlessly scale with your business, we grow with you—from global expansion to localized regulatory landscapes. Based on your scalability, cost, security, and data privacy requirements as well as national and regional regulations, our highly experienced team will work with you to develop a flexible deployment strategy that fits your needs. Choose between our strategically located data centers in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Germany, Singapore, or Australia—or opt for either a hybrid or on-premise installation.

Extensive AML Data Coverage

FinScan gives you the flexibility to screen against any lists, from third-party risk databases and national and international watch lists to your own internal lists. We rigorously manage and monitor compliance lists from leading global regulators for additions and revisions, promptly update lists with the latest changes, create customized lists, and add other government lists upon request.

  • Third-party lists: FinScan’s native integration with all major AML risk data providers helps you achieve your AML program goals while complying with the latest regulations.

  • FinScan managed lists: FinScan offers public sanctions and exclusion lists, giving you peace of mind that you are meeting all the necessary requirements. Learn more about our managed lists.

  • Other lists: FinScan can easily integrate any list, allowing you to screen against industry exclusion and internal block lists.


Our technology not only integrates with any list but also cleanses and standardizes compliance data, just like it does with your customer and transaction records. This ensures accurate comparisons, leading to higher accuracy and reduced false positives.

FinScan filters these datasets across all possible variables to adapt the configuration to your business’s risk exposure so you can better control alert volume and reduce unnecessary or irrelevant alerts. For example, when screening politically exposed persons (PEP) and relatives and close associates (RCA) risk, we can filter to the exact position, title, duration, and any other variables you want to incorporate into your program. 

Advanced Screening Accuracy

In the fast-paced world of compliance, precision is the cornerstone of success. At FinScan, we’ve redefined AML accuracy to set a new standard in the industry. Our journey began more than two decades ago, fueled by a commitment to tackle organizations’ most complex compliance challenges.

Conventional methods such as widespread reliance on percentage-based and weighted score matching were missing the mark. Because we knew that true accuracy demanded a deeper level of insight, we developed a proprietary matching technique and technology that stands in a class of its own. Our innovative approach not only provides deep insights into why two records matched; it empowers you to set alert thresholds with unparalleled precision.

Knowing that accurate, timely data is core to compliance processes, we also created a powerful data quality engine that ensures your data is impeccably prepared. If a record contains multiple names, it automatically separates them into distinct records, safeguarding that no names are overlooked. Noise words are swiftly eliminated, and formats are harmonized for seamless processing.

We recognize your need for a solution that not only identifies all relevant matches but also minimizes false positives. With FinScan, you’re in control. Our technology meticulously sifts through noise, filtering out unnecessary alerts triggered by data inconsistencies and outdated matching techniques.

So, what does this mean for you? It’s less time and frustration for your team. It means focusing only on alerts that truly signify a potential risk. With FinScan, you’re not just getting technology; you’re getting a partner in precision, redefining what’s possible in AML compliance.

Responsive Support

We understand the importance of prompt and effective support for our customers, which is why we have a team of experts ready to assist you whenever you need it. And, unlike many of our competitors, it's always easy to talk to a real human.

1. Quick response times

We understand how critical it is to have fast and reliable support when you need it. That's why we are committed to providing quick response times for all support cases. We have a Service Level Agreement (SLA) in place that outlines our commitment to responding to inquiries within a certain timeframe.


2. Expertise and knowledge

We pride ourselves on having a support team that possesses great expertise and knowledge of our technology and the industries and clients we serve. Our team members undergo rigorous training to ensure they have a deep understanding of our products, as well as the regulatory requirements and compliance challenges our clients face.

3. Clear communication

Our support team is committed to ensuring that our clients receive clear and concise explanations, even for complex ideas. We understand that our clients come from a range of backgrounds, and we take the time to ensure that our communication is easily understandable, regardless of your level of expertise.

Case Management Efficiency

Compliance analysts must be equipped with robust insights into the rationale behind each alert. FinScan’s case management tool goes beyond conventional screening technologies, offering a clearer picture and facilitating efficient decision-making throughout the alert review process.

Developed with the active involvement of our clients who regularly navigate the intricacies of alert reviews, FinScan  ensures proper remediation and resolution of alerts. Plus, FinScan supports a peer review-based workflow, providing an additional layer of scrutiny for accurate alert disposition. In situations where swift action is needed, FinScan creates an escalation workflow. This feature promptly notifies senior team members—all within the same seamlessly integrated platform.

FinScan’s audit trail provides comprehensive documentation of your team’s actions and decisions, ensuring transparency for internal reviews or regulatory audits and real-time dashboards help chief compliance officers (CCOs) and money laundering reporting officers (MLROs) reduce the chance of reputational risk.

Trusted Partner

In AML compliance, finding a reliable partner can prove challenging. FinScan doesn't merely offer an industry-leading solution; we provide a comprehensive ecosystem designed to meet and surpass your unique needs.

Our team of experts in data quality, AML technology, and consulting have over two decades of experience implementing FinScan across diverse geographies, organizational size and complexity, and industries—including banking, insurance, gaming, healthcare, payments, technology, fintech, and non-profits, among others. That means, we possess an in-depth understanding of the unique nuances of each industry and a demonstrated history of delivering value.

We have successfully managed a spectrum of complex implementations from on-premises, including mainframe, to cloud-based environments depending on our customers’ scalability, cost, security, and data privacy requirements, as well as national and regional regulations. Our highly experienced consultants work to develop a flexible deployment strategy that fits your current and future needs.

As your trusted partner, we prepare your data, implement a robust AML solution, and offer regulatory insights. With FinScan, you have the strength of a trusted solution and an ally that listens to your feedback, regularly releases software updates, and ensures you stay ahead of the regulatory curve.

Choosing FinScan ensures that you are not alone in navigating the complex landscape of compliance. Our team of experts becomes an extension of yours, offering support and guidance in the ever-changing world of compliance. With FinScan, you can rest assured that you have a reliable partner dedicated to making you and your team successful.

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