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Gain Onboarding Accuracy, Efficiency, and Speed

Global compliance operations face challenges from varying regulations, outdated customer information, complex workflows, and balancing KYC/AML checks with customer experiences, increasing the risk of dissatisfaction, attrition, and exposure. FinScan enhances efficiency and reduces onboarding costs by uncovering data issues, verifying customers, identifying beneficial owners, integrating with existing systems, screening for PEPs and adverse media, and taking a holistic, risk-based approach to customer screening.

The world’s leading compliance teams trust their reputation to FinScan

Reduce Customer Risk While Strengthening Due Diligence

FinScan helps organizations validate individual and entity customer identities, improve data quality, screen names against PEP and adverse media databases, and identify UBOs, enabling them to adopt a risk-based approach to due diligence while meeting KYC and AML obligations. With FinScan’s advanced screening technology, organizations can confidently and easily screen their merchants, vendors, suppliers, customers and the beneficial owners against sanctions lists.

Frictionless Customer ID Validation

Take advantage of the world’s most advanced, automated, and anonymous forensic document screening technology. Help your team flag and exclude fraudulent and altered identification documents (IDs) while maintaining a reliable, accurate pool of customer data.

Robust PEP & RCA Screening

Perform risk-based screening of Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) and Relatives and Close Associates (RCAs). Leverage the most advanced matching technology and a comprehensive PEP and RCA database with millions of entries cross-referenced against watchlists, sanctions, and adverse media.

Real-time Adverse Media Screening

Reduce risk and strengthen due diligence. Screen adverse media and high-risk customers in real time. Powerful AI tools monitor and alert daily, allowing you to assesses risk throughout onboarding and beyond.

Streamlined UBO Due Diligence & Screening

Screen against the latest sanctions and watchlists, PEP and adverse media databases, or internal lists. With FinScan, you don’t have to worry about manually updating your lists – we take care of it for you, so you can focus on other important tasks.


FinScan was named a KYC Solution Leader in Quadrant Knowledge Solutions’ SPARK Matrix 2024 report on KYC technology. 

Customer Due Diligence

Confidently onboard customers by bridging investigation gaps and find difficult-to-find information about your customers and easily discovering their most recent address, phone number, and close associates.

Perpetual KYC

Automate verification and updates to customer records throughout the relationship. Proactively comply with regulations, manage risk, and improve customer service and marketing. Our robust, scalable platform lets you monitor customer transactions and behavior for suspicious activities. 

Global List Coverage & Management

Don’t worry about manually updating your lists—we take care of that for you. Access up-to-date data from a single platform and create customized lists. We provide access to public sanctions and exclusion lists, including OFAC, HM Treasury, EU consolidated and terrorist lists, PEPs, OCC lists, and more.

Error-resilient Screening

Boost risk detection and save time and resources by discovering hidden records and optimizing reviews, allowing you to potentially apply the same remediation decisions to resolve duplicate alerts. Uncover the real entity from data errors in customer data feeds to reduce false positive rates and the risk of missing a true hit.

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