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Reduce False Positives and Negatives

An AML solution should not only offer efficient workflows but also minimize false positives and negatives. With FinScan, you’re in control. Our technology meticulously sifts through noise, filtering out unnecessary alerts triggered by data inconsistencies and outdated matching techniques.


One of our customers, processing the highest number of international wires than all credit unions globally, reduced false positive volumes from 36% to 10%, leading to faster payment and revenue realization rates.

Focus More Time on True Hits

FinScan helps your team reduce the time-consuming workload of false positives. Our powerful technology tackles data challenges that can lead to false positives, so you can rest assured that your team is focusing on the customers who require the most attention.

Optimized Screening

Help your team take control of their workload by reducing the time to review cases and improving the decision-making process. With greater alert transparency and better escalation workflow, FinScan helps you make the most of your team’s time and resources.

Improved Data Quality

FinScan ensures that your customer and AML list data are accurate and consistent, allowing you to tighten your matching criteria’s fuzziness and reduce false positives.


Using FinScan, a credit card giant reduced false positives by 67%, reducing alert volume from 16 million records to 5.3 million, significantly optimizing the time required for case review.

Advanced Matching

FinScan gives you the power to adjust matching criteria and set field-level fuzziness, allowing you to measure how different configurations affect false positives without having to deploy them in your production environment.

Scale Globally

With FinScan, your business can easily stay compliant with international AML regulations. FinScan’s proprietary screening algorithm provides more accurate and comprehensive results and is multilingual and multicultural. Plus, FinScan is designed to grow with your business, allowing you to process large volumes of customers quickly and efficiently.

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