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From Data Maze to Match-ready: Transform Your Compliance Data

Improving compliance data quality can be a complex task. Inconsistent formats, missing information, and hidden errors can create roadblocks for your AML and KYC efforts. FinScan can help you navigate this data maze—and save time, cost, and risk—by ensuring your information is clean, accurate, and ready for matching.


In a recent LinkedIn poll of 194 compliance professionals around the world, 54% said incomplete customer data was the biggest cause of false positives.

Don’t Let Bad Data Sink Your AML Efforts

Poor data quality can expose you to financial risk. A comprehensive data quality assessment can shine a light on the health of your data, uncovering:

  • Hidden errors.

  • Data gaps.

  • Duplicate data.

Clean, Match-ready Data

Unleash the full potential of your AML compliance and KYC onboarding with FinScan Enhance to help you:

  • Boost accuracy: Ensure your data is clean and consistent, leading to improved screening results.

  • Minimize false alarms: Reduce false positives and negatives, allowing your team to focus on real threats.

  • Streamline processes: Save valuable time and resources by eliminating data-related roadblocks.


The winner of the Datos Insights 2024 AML Impact Award for Best Sanction/Watchlist Innovation is FinScan and its FinScan Enhance innovation. 

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Ready for AML Compliance with World-class Precision?

Discover why FinScan is the leading AML software.

  • Learn how FinScan reduces risk

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