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Don’t Gamble on Your AML/KYC Solution

Casino and gaming AML compliance is under more scrutiny than ever as online gambling and globalization intensifies. Protect yourself and your company from regulatory scrutiny, fines, and severe penalties with FinScan’s powerful KYC, enhanced CDD, and expert risk assessment capabilities. 

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Enhanced CDD

Simplify CDD investigations, validate IDs, and gain comprehensive insights into risky customers, enabling your team to make precise decisions rapidly.

Risk assessment

Analyze your AML program to identify potential weaknesses and ensure full compliance with regulatory requirements.

Payment screening

Screen payments against the latest sanctions, PEP and dual-use goods lists to receive alerts immediately when a risky transaction is detected.


Quickly and easily track every case back to its origin, ensuring all AML data and customer information is accurately recorded and compliant with regulators’ requirements.

Reduce Your Regulatory and Reputational Risks

Gambling, gaming, and betting companies need to meet rigorous AML regulations and reduce the risk of financial penalties, potential criminal charges, and loss of licenses and customer trust. FinScan helps modernize your AML compliance program and protect your organization from regulatory scrutiny. 
Payment Screening

Screen all your deposits, withdrawals, and domestic and international payments to block risky payments in real time.

Beneficial Owner Screening

Navigate through the complexity of multi-layer ownership structures with ease while reducing manual work.

ID Validation

Eliminate the hassle of manual verification of customer documents, accurately detecting fake IDs, and provide frictionless service to your customers.

Know Your Customer (KYC) and Onboarding

Collect client information such as name, address, date of birth and other identifying information.

Verify clients’ identity by validating their ID documents and asking for proof of address.

Identify the business owners, ultimate beneficial owners and ownership structure of enterprise and SMB accounts.

Measure AML risk associated with customers, SMBs and enterprises by dynamically evaluating multiple factors to assign risk ratings.

Exclusion List Screening and List Management

Screen against the latest sanctions and watchlists, PEP and adverse media databases, exclusion lists, or internal lists.

Error-resilient Screening

Quickly and easily resolve data errors and inconsistencies to prepare your data for screening with minimal effort.

Risk Assessment

Our regulatory and solutions experts can conduct a thorough stress test of your AML technology, procedures, and controls, identifying potential weaknesses and ensuring full compliance with regulatory requirements. 


FinScan consistently demonstrates an average response time of 200 milliseconds per transaction, achieving SLAs for mission-critical operations such as real-time payments and credit card users onboarding at point of sale.   

Enhance Your KYC and Customer Due Diligence

Monitor and screen customers throughout the relationship against sanctions lists and PEP and adverse media databases. Adopt a global risk-based approach to your due diligence with FinScan and get more accurate and comprehensive results. 
Large Record Volume

Reliably process any volume of records – from a few thousand to hundreds of millions. Screen quickly and efficiently in batch or in real time through our API to effectively identify risk while avoiding interruption to your daily operations.

Dramatically reduce false positive rates for your review team with advanced screening technology and better data.

Multiple Data Sources

Easily connect multiple data sources and ensure consistent formatting to refine your matching criteria and improve accuracy. Additionally, reduce unnecessary alerts by eliminating duplicate records, streamlining your screening process and saving time.

Data Quality Challenges

Eliminate data quality issues commonly found in the insurance industry that can lead to false negatives in your AML screening. With FinScan, you can rest easy knowing that you have the tools to tackle these issues head on, ensuring that risky policy holders are not overlooked.

Global Operations

Support your global AML operations by screening against the necessary AML lists by jurisdiction.

With FinScan’s native-to-native screening technology, you can screen in different languages and alphabets, resulting in more accurate screening results.

Cross-team Escalation

Customize your escalation workflow and user controls with FinScan to support your AML operations worldwide. Easily configure alerts to be reviewed by users in different countries and on different teams, with the ability to escalate to the relevant team.

Data Protection Regulation

Choose the deployment option that best supports local data protection laws. Whether on-premise, cloud-based, or a hybrid of both, you have the flexibility to meet the most complex data protection requirements, ensuring compliance while supporting your business expansion.

Ready for AML Compliance with World-class Precision?

Discover why FinScan is one of the most trusted AML companies in the world.

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