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Talk to Our Experts

FinScan's award-winning Know Your Customer (KYC), sanctions screening, risk scoring, data quality, and advisory services are the right choice for Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance technology and consulting solutions across industries. 

  • FinScan screens over 300 billion names a year in 60+ countries.

  • FinScan users can expect an 80% or more reduction in false positives (equivalent to a 5X or better reduction in false positives). 

  • We achieve enterprise-level data quality in less than 20% of the time and at 50% of the total cost of our competitors. 

  • FinScan consistently demonstrates an average response time of 200 milliseconds per transaction, achieving SLAs for mission-critical operations such as real-time payments and credit card users onboarding at point of sale.   


Loved By The Analysts

FinScan consistently stands out to press and analyst experts as a leader in the AML solutions space. However, our biggest point of pride is that many of these awards also use customer voting as a factor.
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