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Get a Complete Picture of Your Customer Risk

Accurately assessing risk can be a huge challenge. Current models rely on static data collected at account opening or event-driven triggers, resulting in inaccurate risk ratings, unnecessary periodic reviews, increased costs, and diluted risk assessment. FinScan improves your confidence in customer risk assessment and saves review time by providing a unified view of compliance risk that dynamically calculates risk levels based on dynamically evolving customer profiles from internal and external data sources.


FinScan helped a leading Latin American payment processor save more than 19,000 hours of manual review time by significantly reducing false positives. View case study

Effortlessly Configure Your Risk Model

Increased regulation and operational expectations demand versatility, flexibility, and efficiency. FinScan’s risk model is fully configurable and extensible to take into account any future recommendations from regulators or internal audit feedback, and provides total flexibility to customize risk scoring rules and weights.

Take a Holistic, Risk-based Approach to Customer Relationships

Reduce operating costs, eliminate lengthy time-consuming manual reviews, and improve customer risk assessment by by integrating risk across multiple processes such as onboarding, due diligence, screening, and monitoring. FinScan makes it fast and seamless.


FinScan consistently demonstrates a 10 x faster average response time per transaction than other solutions—achieving SLAs for mission-critical operations such as real-time payments and credit card users onboarding at point of sale.

Fine-tune Your Risk Framework

Need to get a better understanding of your current risk framework and where improvements are needed? Take advantage of our Advisory Services expertise to help you fine-tune and tailor your risk model to give you more confidence in how you manage customer risk.

Ready for AML Compliance with World-class Precision?

Discover why FinScan is the leading AML software.

  • Learn how FinScan reduces risk

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  • Explore use cases for your business

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