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Comply with Global Regulations

Navigating the shifting sands of AML regulations presents compliance officers with a formidable challenge, demanding constant vigilance and adaptability in an ever-evolving regulatory landscape. FinScan’s managed compliance lists, AML compliance technology, and advisory services helps compliance teams stay ahead of global regulations.


In a recent FinScan webinar poll of 554 compliance professionals, 64% said regulatory changes are having the greatest impact on their payment screening compliance program.

Access and Customize Your Watchlists

Customize the lists you need to fit the requirements of any jurisdiction. And we take care of updating lists for you.

Screen against any lists, from third-party risk databases and national and international watch lists to your own internal lists. We rigorously manage and monitor sources of more than 70 compliance lists.

Simplify Regulatory Adherence

With FinScan’s advanced features, you can efficiently navigate regulatory compliance needs. FinScan’s fully configurable modules and extensible features easily accommodate regulatory feedback, seamlessly integrating into your AML operations to improve productivity and meet the highest regulatory standards. FinScan’s audit trail makes it easy to track every case back to its origin, ensuring that all AML data and customer information is accurately recorded and compliant with regulators’ requirements.

Assess Your Regulatory Risk

Get a deeper understanding of your current regulatory and technology risk frameworks, and fine-tune your AML compliance program for greater efficiency and accuracy while expanding globally. Find out what’s working and what’s not through assessment, measurement, and testing.

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